Learn What It Takes to Quit Smoking

In order to quit smoking you need to think like a captive. You need to focus, plan and execute your escape! Become your own 'quit doctor' and move through the phases of learning why, when and how. The key to quitting smoking is entirely yours – learn how to become a survivor and force smoking out the door.

Location: Perth, Western Austalia, Australia

I like to create websites and blogs, and hope that they get read and appreciated and even responded to. The last would be a real thrill for me. Im stuck in an office for some of the week and the rest of it I just like to create, improvise, write poetry and amuse my friends with silly antics.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Smoking - A Habit To Quit

Learn to see the habit of smoking in its true context to your life. Find out about the nature of the beast you are about to conquer. Work with yourself to defeat the habit; in fact, become your own 'quit doctor' - one that operates for you in intutive steps that are tailored to your needs. When you learn to 'read this habit' and explore its origins you'll develop the sense of survival needed to conquer it. Quitting smoking will then be a thing of the past, yet always a daily event to watch.